Thursday, October 10, 2019

About Moo.

Moo is the name of the cow skull featured in the header photo of this blog.

I inherited him from my late friend Paul (aka The Paul Dude) and have promised to take good care of him for ever.  The header photo shows Moo in my old house, hanging above the fireplace in my Renaissance ManCave (all books, and fiber arts tools, no TV!).  Moo made the journey across the US happily ensconced on the front passenger seat of the Rolling Living Room (my much beloved Land Rover RL3).

Supported on a pillow and with Hat, about whom more later, for company Moo was a very pleasant, if quiet traveling companion.

At the Cameron Trading Post, I saw a couple of cow skulls that had been decorated and a Very Bad Idea struck me: Moo should be decorated for all holidays. This would have both amused and infuriated Paul no end. So it absolutely Had To Happen.

The first problem was finding somewhere for Moo to live. He's too heavy to hang up with Command Strips, and I'm not sure I'm allowed to make holes in the walls here. The answer: a free-standing coat rack. I found one at Home Depot, and set it up in a corner of my dining area.

I'm really happy with the way it's worked out. Unfortunately you can't see the detail of the lights -- they're little skulls. Totally Halloween. Paul would love hating them.

Hat lives with Moo now. Paul bought Hat some 30+ years ago and wore it every day until it became too battered to wear, at which point it was replaced with Hat 2.0. After Paul died, Beth -- his widow -- gave me Hat to accompany Moo, while she kept Hat 2.0.

The window in my dining area faces East. The semi-circular top section of the window has been tinted to keep the worst of the Arizona sun out. The kitchen is off to the left of this photo, the guest bedroom off to the right.

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